WWP19 Cockpit drain

Ted Duke (tedduke@usa.net)
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 22:01:05 -0400

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West Wight Potter Website at URL
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To whom it may be of interest,

After having my cockpit drain stop up for the third time with
a BEE, and multiple times with tree twirlies and leaves, I
decided to install new fittings and went with 1 1/4". After
much thought I decided to go with CLEAR plastic hose. That
way when it doesn't drain I can see whats in it. The bees
growing in this area actually are difficult to get out even
with direct hoze pressure. I am sure he bees growing in other
areas will be of different sizes. Drains nicely so far.

Ted Duke
WWPs19 #626 The Duchess
Mountains of Virginia