Re: Walker Bay dingy

From: Brent and Laura Wilson (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 02:40:55 PST

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> Brent,
> How does it row?
> Ted Duke
> WWPs19 #626 The Duchess
> COLLLDDD mountains of Virginia
        The Walker Bay rows very well, better than I thought it would. I
have been out rowing with my 2 year old son and made good time and covered
2 miles+ at times. With 2 adults, the boat sits pretty low in the stern and
rows much harder. Forward oar sockets, I feel, would help. This would let
you ballance the boat better. I was concerned about the plastic oar
sockets, but they have worn well. I have Walmart Caverness oars with West
Marine sleaves that makes a good package.
                Brent Wilson
                P-15 #657
                Lockridge, IA
P.S. Sorry for not triming my earlier message. :)

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