Re-Rigging Forrest (Re: Forrest has no Potter)

Forrest Brownell (
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:17:29 -0500

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West Wight Potter Website at URL
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I don't know why FB from NY made the statement that he might never own a
Potter, but ... if there is anyway we can get him into one we should
help.... If he had a Potter I would have more things to argue with him
about. So, what do you say Forrest? Somewhere out here in the vastness
of North America must be a Potter with your name on it. All we (as a
group) have to do is help you find it, and then get it to you. For my
part, I would be more than willing to be part of a "transport" chain if
a boat came up out here on the Left Coast.

-- Larry Costa (aka Left Coast Larry)

I can't imagine why you want us to have even more things to argue about,
Larry, but I'm genuinely touched by your offer. (Then again, maybe I'm
just plain touched -- or, as North Country hill-folk used to say,
"a leetle tetched in the hay-yed." I'd be the last person to know if I
were, wouldn't I?)

Let's assume for the sake of argument, however, that I'm more or less
sane. Why, then, will I never own a Potter? It's not the fault of the
boats, certainly. No one could ask for happier unions of character and

The reason, I'm afraid, is painfully obvious. It's me. I'll bet you
suspected as much all along, didn't you, Larry?

Among many other things, a boat is a tool, and -- as even an indifferent
carpenter like me knows -- it's best to have the right tool for the job.
Unhappily, the job I have in mind for my next boat is probably not one
for which either Potter is particularly well-suited.

To make a long story short, I'm looking for a sailboat for a series of
extended voyages along a number of historic North American waterways.
My requirements are easily stated, but hard to meet. The ideal craft
will be handy under both oar and sail, capable of carrying some half-ton
of stores and kit (in addition to the crew of two), and yet still be
light enough to "portage" short distances on rollers. The larger Potter
is too heavy.* The smaller, I fear, would prove neither big enough nor
sufficiently easy to move under oars.

That said, I'd still I like to include the Potter 14/15 in a review of
small sailboats I'm thinking about for an future installment of my
column, "In the Same Boat." If, therefore, anyone on the list knows of a
Potter 14/15 owner in northern New York or New England who might permit
me to look at his (or her) boat, I'd be deeply grateful.

Just as I'm deeply grateful to you, Larry, for your generosity and wit.
(And, no, I'm _not_ being snide or sarcastic. I'm entirely serious. For
once.) Next week, perhaps, we'll be back to insulting each other. For
now, though, I hope you're enjoying the respite as much as I am.

Forrest Brownell
South Colton NY

* I've set my limit at 450 lb -- the heaviest boat my wife and I can
move a short distance up a gently-sloping, hard sand beach without
rollers or tackles.