Sailing Brain Teaser
Fri, 21 May 1999 01:38:50 EDT

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West Wight Potter Website at URL
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Greetings webgang,

Two sailors have a bet. Every time they race their almost identical boats
they finish practically neck and neck They want to want to settle once and
for all who is the better sailor. So they settle on the following contest

The first weekend Sailor #1 will sail from point A to point B on the river
using one of the boats. The next weekend, Sailor #1 will use the same boat
and sail the same course.

The first weekend, there is a two knot current and a 2 knot wind going from
Point A to Point B. Sailor #1 is sailing downstream and downwind.

The second weekend, there is the same two knot current but the wind is
absolutely dead. Sailor #2 is sailing downstream from point A to point B.

Who is going to win the race if the sailors truly are equally skilled and the
boat is exactly the same from one weekend to the next?

(if you saw this teaser in the sailing newgroup a while back, don't tell the
answer yet!!!

I'll tell the group what the official answer is after everybody who wants to
gets a chance to try to figure out the answer)
