Potter Yachters
2004 Sailing and Event Schedule |
25, 7-9 pm
Presented by Olympic Circle Sailing Center, Berkeley CA. For directions click here. |
Feb 28, 7-9 PM Many of you are familiar with the westerly summer wind machine we have in the Bay. But do you know about Central California's microclimates? Do you know that there are often lightning storms on the Bay? Do you know why Sacramento's tule fog is more dangerous than San Francisco Summer fog? Anatomy of a winter storm, how to predict Santa Ana conditions on the Bay and other useful weather information. You'll learn it all. Presented by Olympic Circle Sailing Center, Berkeley CA. For directions click here. |
March 5 & 6 11 am Saturday: Basic Docking and Marina Procedueres The classes are free to all paid-up 2004 members of the Potter
Yachters. RSVP required. |
20 – Delta Day Sail
April 24 Salt and Pepper Sail on Estuary. Launch at Estuary Park and/or Grand Ave. Alameda. |
May 1-2 Delta Sail and Overnight. Launch at Brannen Island and overnight at Lundborg Landing @ Bethel Island. |
June 5-6 Lake Sail and Overnight Campout at Woodward Reservoir. |
July 17-18 SCA Cruiser Challenge in Monterey. |
August 7-8 Eagle Lake Lake Sail and Campout. |
September: Tomales Bay Sail and Beach Campout Date to be announced. |
October 2-3 Monterey Potter overnight. |
November 6-7 Richmond overnight. Sail to Loch Lomond on the 6th and Angel Island on the 7th. |