West Wight Potter Associations

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Note: This page is outdated and included here merely for historical purposes.

West Coast Organizations

The Potter Yachters website
Newsletter is called "The Potter Yachter"

Northern California West Wight Potter association

Membership dues: New - $33 (includes $15 for the "Many Ways to Potter" package
                 Renewals - $18

Southern California West Wight Potter Association

Welcomes West Wight Potter owners as well as owners of all small
ramp-launched sailing craft
Contact                      Newsletter Info
Roland Borpple                    Michael Briggs
17972 Larcrest Circle             3326 Charlemagne Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA  92647       Long Beach, CA 90808

Northwest Potter Association

Visit the web page of this start-up organization at NW Potter

East Coast Organizations

East Coast Potter Association

The newsletter is called "The East Coast Potter"

Web page: http://members.tripod.com/~SpeedSailor/index.html

Lars S. Mulford           Barry Foy               T.J. Bartruff
902 Dogwood Drive         410 Beach Drive         405 Beechwood Ave.
Seaford, DE  19973        Edgewater, MD  21037    Norfolk, VA  23505
(302) 628-3456            (410) 798-5249          (757) 440-1368
mulford@bellatlantic.net    barryfoy1@aol.com     tejay480@bellatlantic.net
The EAST COAST POTTER, our newsletter, is published by the ECPA and it's
officers. For information about the newsletter, submitting articles,
and group-sail schedules, contact Lars Mulford. For information on
membership and dues, contact TJ Bartruff. (More Information)

Gulf Coast Organizations

The Southern Potter Association

This group has not officially formed yet, but is seeking interested Potter sailors
from the Gulf Coast States, and the surrounding area, who would like to form a group
of Potter sailors for the purpose of sailing, racing and socializing.
A periodic newsletter is needed.
If you are interested contact:
Wiley Johnson
12723 Regal Pine Lane
Houston, TX 77070

Great Britain

The West Wight Potter Association

Each newsletter is numbered and is simply called "Newsletter No._"

           Bob Lomas
           Bacons Cottage
           Dragons Green
           Sussex, England  RH13 7JF
           Tel.01403 741349

The Potter: A National Quarterly for West Wight Potter Sailors

Newsletter of International Marine

President: Larry Hart         Editor:  Vicki Ruzicka
Contact:   International Marine
           904 West Hyde Park Blvd.
           Inglewood, CA 90302
           (800) 433-4080


The East Coast Potter Association (ECPA) was founded in December 1994 by the
trio of Lars Mulford, Barry Foy, and TJ Bartruff for the purposes of forming an
organization that would cater to West Wight Potter owners and other trailer
sailors on and near the East coast. Members hail mostly from the Eastern regions
but are not restricted to the East coast and residing from the East coast is not
a requirement in which to join.
The ECPA is an active organization with monthly sail-ins that run from April to
November. Monthly dinner meetings are arranged during the off- season to provide
continual group contact.
Dues for the ECPA are payable annually. Dues are $15 and checks can be made out
to TJ Bartruff and sent to him at the address given below.  Memberships run from
June to June.
Members of the ECPA receive the following:
 1) "East Coast Potter", our association newsletter, published throughout the
     year. Special bonus editions also are included when events merit.
 2) Invitation to monthly sail-ins and off-season dinner meetings. These are
     normally listed in the newsletter and mailed directly to you.
 3) Invitation to "The Gathering", our annual main group event, which
    includes large group sailing, camping adventures, cook-outs, and rustic
    outdoor adventure as well as island and cove exploring, skindiving, and
    other group related activities. Come experience the comradeship this event
    inspires, and make friends that you'll keep for a lifetime.
 4) Membership card showing you as a "member in good standing" of the
 5) Members receive a discount on commemorative items and articles
    embossed and endorsed by the ECPA; ie: "The Gathering" T-shirts, ECPA
    sweatshirts, etc.
The only requirements to become a member of the ECPA are to have a love of
sailing and a desire to meet others with the same interest! Once a member, the
ECPA strongly urges it's members to send in information about sailing areas in
your locale that would be wonderful spots for one of the monthly sail-ins, or
perhaps even "The Gathering". Please supply the following when sending in an
area for consideration: 1) Type of water (lake, river). 2) Kind of water (salt,
fresh). 3) Currents, tides. 4) Launching, picnic, camping facilities as well as
lodging and restaurants nearby. 5) Applicable fees. 6) Prevailing winds. 7)
areas of interest nearby (on water & land).

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