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Notice: The following information is provided without charge for the convenience of persons interested in buying or selling a West Wight Potter or related equipment. No agents or dealers; commercial use is not allowed. The Potter Yachters has no financial involvement in any transaction that may result and does not verify the accuracy of information presented. It is possible that the information presented may contain errors or misrepresentation, and the buyer should determine to his/her own satisfaction the actual condition and value of any item offered.
2014 WWP 19 Sport Edition purchased new at Newport Boat Show advertised as Boat Show Special $29,995.00. The boat price included $10,000.00 worth of options. Only in the water twice and still looks like it just rolled off the showroom inside and out. The options include a never used spinnaker with all the lines and turn buckles, auto tiller pilot, stereo with outdoor speakers, outside GPS/Chartplotter and compass, dual AGM battery with motor and solar charging ports, and shore power, rolling furling, mainsail, tiller and boat covers in Rhapsody Blue to match hull color, premium interior (white) and cockpit (Rhapsody Blue) seat cushions, 4 stainless steal opening screen ports, stern pulpit with traveler, and winches and Genoa tracks.
The boat sale price included the galvanized Baja trailer with mounted spare, tongue jack with wheel, and trailer guides and mast crutch.
The sale price also included a Tohatsu SailPro 6HP outboard motor.
I replaced the mahogany companionway hatch with a custom made Teak/ smoke plexiglass hatch to view outside vistas with the hatch closed. Other personal add-ons include outboard motor stand with lock, fiberglass 3-step dock stairs, 3 fenders, tiller tamer, and mast top wind indicator.
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: 2014
Location: Rhode Island
Great boat with many extras! Lightly used p19 with EZ-Loader trailer, 4 cycle 6hp Yamaha OB motor, main sail and roller furling jib both in good shape. Two spare trailer tires (current trailer tires are good) and boat cover. Photos can be sent. This boat is red with a Blue Water layup
includes anchor with rode. Fenders and dock lines all manuals and misc box of hardware/tools. Cushions, rigging, depth finder-too much to list. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Health/disability force the sale.
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: 2012
Asking Price: $15,000.00
Location: RENO, NV
I bought the WWP in Oakley, linked in the forum post by drivejunk. Despite the fact it is missing the rudder and tiller it is in good shape and came with built in oar locks and oars and a number of other improvements. I do need a rudder and will pay to obtain one. The aftermarket kick~up plastic one works well on my other P14 and I will use that for now. That still leaves me short a rudder and I'm hoping someone out there has the solution to my problem. The boat's name is Lil'Quark so if you know of the boat, you may know where the rudder resides currently. I will buy it if the price is right.
Category: West Wight Potter (all models)
Year: Not indicated.
Location: Bay/Delta, CA
2015 West Wight Potter Sailboat with very little use. Toilet and water tank never used and sails still crisp. Has a 6 horsepower 4 stroke outboard engine. A trailer with a spare tire is included.
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: 2015
Asking Price: $16,500.00
Location: Fl 33852
Estate Sale. Boat has been generously donated to Lake Norman Community Sailing, non-profit 501(c)3. I am now selling the 2014,2013 trailer and 2014 motor.
Boat title in hand. Red hull. Furling jib. Boat minimally used on fresh water only (Lake Norman).
Lehr 2.5 hp propane outboard motor.
Certificate of Origin in hand for 2013 EZ Loader trailer.
Give me a call. Happy to send photos and discuss. I'm not a Wight Potter expert, and I'm open to discuss price, logistics, etc.
Category: West Wight Potter 15
Year: 2014
Asking Price: $10,000.00
Location: Cornelius, NC 28031
For Sale
2005 Potter 19 Blue Water Lay up Hull 1545
This boat has been modified for Ocean Coastal and Islands Cruising
Here us a link to view the description, pics and pricing info:
Click on and open:
Wiring Mod:
Completely Rewired where the distribution and buss components are mounted in 2 watertight pelican cases on the interior starbord cabin/ cockpit bulkhead.
There is a water tight marine glove box on the cockpit side of the bulkhead that houses the switch panel. So all electrics are controlled from the cockpit!
When I first bought the boat I complete gutted all wiring for this configuration and used all wire sizes to standard code. Example: # 6 wire for all battery 12 dc run to busses
All wiring is run on the starbord side of the cabin and exposed in plain sight affix the the cabin bulkhead. Not run under cabinets impossible to access as was the factory install.
There is a new 30,000 lumin horizontal bar bow light that makes it like daylight when boating at night
Fuel System Components:
To eliminate a gas can on the floor of the cockpit deck as a fire safety and tripping hazzard I purchased a 5 gallon Alum race car fuel tank and perminatly afixted it to the foredeck. Giving a 6 hp Outboard a 50 mile motoring range with reserve at 5 miles per hour @ 2000 rpm.
There is a An-6 3/8" anodized alum fuel shut off valve mounted on the tank. The fuel is run to the stern via a 3/8" fuel line also using AN-6 anodized connectors. The fuel in is protected by SS braded sheilding exterior as used on race cars, mounted to the weather deck every 12" with SS one hole brackets with rubber lining on the port side right next to the cabin verticle as not to present a trip hazzard or wear to the fuel line from foot traffic going forward.
Motor Power:
There are 2 Outboard motors mounted to the stern.
Motor #1: 2014 Nissan 6 hp 4 stroke that starts easy. Idles perfect for maneuvering slow in the harbor for docking. This motor also has and internal fuel tank switchable from the main fuel line via a factory selector valve. The reserve fuel capacity is about 45 mins.
Motor # 2: This 2005 Honda 4 stroke aux motor or the kicker motor to offer back up to # 1. It also starts easy and run very smooth.
2 Motor Saftey Configuration: The idea is to use the #1 Motor for propulsion and # 2 as back up. They can be run simultanusly but doing so does not produce much more speed.
It does give more torque power and that can be useful when try to overcome current or tide forces and is helpful when towing a vessel in distress.
So before shoving off at the dock, both motors should be started and warmed up in case you need to go to back up, it is a warmed up unit.
When motor sailing it is always smart to switch motors every hour so if back up is required, both motor are primed and activly warm up.
Added SS gantry mounted on the stern for Radar Dome elevation requirements and housing watertight Pelican boxes for marine electronics. The 2024 GPS Chart Plotter/ and Radar Aray Screens are close to the helm and easily read by the skipper without moving from the helm.
The boat has been balast compensated even keel C/G.
Cabin Interior Mod Features:
1. 750 watt 2024 Microwave oven replacing the camping stove with propane which I see as a fire Hazzard in a confined space. This is very convenient for cooking. Making coffee and warming up leftovers. Very efficient and when used with disposal utensils. Plates, bowels and Cup require no clean up of pots, pans or Coffee Pots after meals.
2. 110 volt and 12v output River Pro 2 Battery Generator with solor pannal or 110v charging capabilities.
Ice Chest:
The portable toliet has been remove and a tall Coleman Ice Chest is in its place for keep food and drinks cold.
A 5 gallon bucket with toliet seat is stowed under the V Berth if need. It has 20 bags with and absorbent pad and kitty litter in each bag. The bag fits on the rim of the bucket the seat is place on the lid. The bag is later tied, sealed and placed in the main garbage.
Cushions are in very good shape and the aft starbord rear quarter berth cushion is missing because the last owner removed it to make it easy to slide and store things in that area and I have found that to be good.
Potter 19s are good for camping for only two people IMO because by the time you get all you gear on board you need the one berth to side your bags and gear in the berth. So I aways camp with 2 people, port side Q berth and V berth.
JIB Roller furling system for Genoa.
The main is the original with the Potter Logo and Hull number 1545 on it. It is in very good shape and show no signs of chaffing. I believe it is 5 oz dacron. This boat at one time was not sailed for 9 years before my refit.
The forsail is a 130 or 40 Genoa I belive and is not original and is light material. It has some slight signs of wear because it is lighter in weight but I belive has many years to go as a cruising sail beefore needing replacement and or repair.
Both sails show good shape and show no repair work ever.
Bimini and covers: The Bimini is a bit tattered because we forgot to put the zippered cover on during a 6 hours trip home from Cali. The frame is perfect. So upon making a deal the new buyer can pick out the fabric color they wish and I will ordered it and deliver before they take possession.
Also includes main sail cover and tiller cover!
Swim Ladder: when the starbord side engine was installed the ladder was moved to the starbord stern side of the boat. It has two heavy duty rubber thick dock bumper to protect the ladder. The boat can be launched or docked on either side but I prefer docking and launching port side!
Bottom Paint: the blue Interlux paint is in very good condition and because it is a trailer sailor not left in a slip, it should last for many more years.
Trailer: Since I bought the boat in 2023, I have invested over 2 thousand in trailer upgrades:
1. Upgraded from 2000 to 3500 lb axel, with brand new hubs,bearings and seals .
2. 3 Brand new 14" Wheels and 10 ply rated radials. These HD 65 psi road trailer tires are class D. They are M rated safe to 84 mph.
When I first got the boat I replaced the smaller tires with new ones and had 2 blow outs within a 1000 miles because exceeding 70 mph with the smaller footprint creating excessive heat. These new larger wider radialcan handle 75 mph all day long with ease. Lessons learned.
The trailer has a California "Forever Lic Plate" with no annual fees requiring a sticker.
Title and Registration: I live in Nevada and the boat is licenced and Registered in Cali which is allowed. The title is free and clear, can be easily transfered and boat registration sticker is paid till end of 2025.
Mast raising system: i Custom Designed and fab welded a 6061 alum schedule 40 pipe gin pole for mast raising. Also included is a 500 lb ratchet winch.
Anchor: one original galvanized Danforth with chain rode a 75' of 1/2" nylon. The anchor mont on a bracket on the pulpet. The bow the the anchor failed SS roller bracket to protect the bostcwhile retrieving the anchor.
2 dock bumpers and dock lines included.
Reason for Selling:
I love the Potter 19 Blue Water lay up hull with hard chine for coastal cruising, island hopping and camping.
I just bought a Catalina 22 MK 2 because it looks like all my entire family will be living in Vegas in the near future and I have many friends and family members who fly in to go sailing here and this "trailer sailor" accommodates more people.
With the pop top cabin, 8' 4" beam and larger cockpit, it allows me to sail with 5 or even 6 in a pinch with plenty of space.
If the boat interests you please give me a text with your name and email
to request the detailed Email Package with full description and a ton of pics and price.
I am going on a regatta tomorrow and will send out emails starting Thursday Oct 24th.
Once you have recieved the email, I will be happy to answer any and all question set up showings, and discuss price options.
I have some sailing events planned so the soonest I can show the boat would be after Nov 10th.
The boat is in Las Vegas.
When I bought this boat I figured it was the last boat I would buy as I am now 70. I spent a lot of money and hundreds of hrs doing mods designed for Safe Ocean Cruising.
My family moving here caused me to rethink and buy the bigger Cat 22.
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: 2005
Asking Price: $12,500.00
Location: Vegas, NV 89156
Ready to sail. Boat has title.
Includes 2hp Honda 4 stroke outboard, main and jib sails and lines, swing keel, trolling motor, anchor, marine battery, navigation lights, navigation fish finder, oiled teak handrails, lots of installed cleats, clean cushions, singlehanded setup, tinted windows, interior curtains, battery control box, old handheld marine vhf radio, and interior fan. White hull, white sails, white deck. 1 narrow blue line bordering the hull.
Galvanized trailer included with spare tire.
Trailer and motor do not have title. I will include a bill of sale and record of past owners.
Located in Seabrook, Texas, 77586. Thank you.
Category: West Wight Potter 15
Year: 1978
Asking Price: $4,000.00
Location: Seabrook, TX 77586
Looking for a West Wight Potter 15, preferably within 300 miles of central Florida or northern Illinois. Send me pics please. Thank you
Category: Montgomery 15
Year: Not indicated.
Location: Not provided.
Looking for a WWP 19 for my family to day sail at our sailing club. We are located in Alabama but are willing to drive a reasonable distance to make the purchase.
Ideally the boat will have a well-maintained trailer that will allow us to store at home in the off months.
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: Not indicated.
Location: Harvest, AL 35749
One of a kind red , white and blue Sailboat . We are located at Dana point Marina . We have the trailer as well . It sleeps 2 adults and 2 children .
Category: Voyager (all models)
Year: 2013
Asking Price: $7,000.00
Location: Dana Point, CA 92618
FOR SALE: 15 foot West Wight Potter-year 2000
WWP15 Boat Details
Boat Name: Kinship
Year: 2000
Length Overall (LOA): 15 feet
Beam: 5 feet 6 inches
Draft: Keel Up 6 inches, Keel Down 3 feet
Hull: In good condition, black with red stripe
Displacement: 475 pounds, Keel Weight 100 pounds
Sail: Main 64 sq. ft., Jib 23 sq. ft. includes new sheets (ropes)
Sails in very good condition, clean and stored indoors.
Mast Height Above Deck: 15 feet 6 inches
Cushions: White cockpit cushions and original cabin cushions in excellent condition
Ladder: Stainless steel boarding ladder makes this boat fun for swimming.
Features beautifully refinished wood rails.
Classic wooden rudder and tiller have been refinished.
Equipped with a portable toilet--very fun for a day sail or boat camping.
Installed mounting bracket (for a motor) is on the boat.
(No motor is included in this sale.)
All rigging is in good working condition.
Anchor provided in front anchor compartment
Trailer Details
The trailer is part of this comprehensive package, making Kinship ready for adventures near and far.
The low weight of this boat allows for easy trailering.
Model: 16 foot Garges Galvanized Custom Trailer
Recent Upgrades: New tires, ball bearings, and packing. Brand new working lights.
Towing Requirements: 1 7/8" or 2" hitch ball, 4-prong flat plug electrical connection.
Tires: 4.80-8LRB with an inflation of 90 psi.
Has always been stored in garage and only sailed on fresh water.
If you are interested, buoy available in Minneapolis in 2025.
Lots of pictures available. See link below. Beautifully cared for boat!
Price $5500 or Best Offer
Contact me to come see it!
Category: West Wight Potter 15
Year: 2000
Location: Minneapolis, MN
WANTED TO BUY: Potter 19 Kick Up Rudder.
I want to replace my wooden one with an HDPE Plastic one!
I live in Vegas and can pick up in So California to avoid shipping hassles for the seller!
Category: West Wight Potter 19
Year: Not indicated.
Location: Vegas, NV 89156
This WWP 15 is in great shape and includes ez loader trailer, 5 hp minnkota outboard,all sails and equipment. Please contact for more information/photos.
Category: West Wight Potter 15
Year: 2009
Location: Willamette Valley, OR 97148