Sail Slug Modification

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Sail slugs (as available from Sailrite Kits) that are suitable for attaching to the Potter mainsail luff.

The 5/16" size is suitable for the P-15;

The 7/16" size is suitable for the P-19.


Sailrite Kits: Ph. 1-800-348-2769

This shackle makes attaching the sail slugs a very quick and simple process. A sharp awl or ice pick is useful for "pricking" a starter hole in the layers of sail fabric behind the luff rope.

A side view of the complete shackle/slug installation on the Potter sail. The shackle bridges the luff rope, and its ends are fastened by the stainless screw through the layers of sail fabric.

Special note: when inserting the slug into the mast slot, be certain that the shoulder (stamped with the word "Patent") is riding outside of the slot. If the stainless steel bail is inserted into the mast slot, the slugs will "bind" and refuse to slide..


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