Re: Fast sailing

From: Eric Johnson (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 17:52:11 PST

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>Hmm, I don't have telltales on the main, and I was so busy
>hanging on, I didn't remember that adage, when in doubt,
>let it out.
>But also, when I arrived at the dock, I saw that my kick-up
>rudder had kicked up! I felt like an idiot! I bet that would
>have helped my steering ! I'll have to really tighten that down!

yes, that would largely account for your weather helm. spend the $5 and get
yourself some telltales and read up on how to use them. When I did, it made
me a much better sailor. Odds are you'll find you've been sheeting your sails
too tight. >then< spend $15 or $20 and get a masthead fly.

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